145 years ago, the brothers Albert and Erich Sennewaldt set up a brush factory called „Gebruder Sennewaldt” in Biala near Bielsko. We are extremely proud that, despite the passage of so many years and the different ups and downs of both the factory itself and the inhabitants of Bielsko and Biala, we are continuing the legacy of our predecessors. Befaszczot is the oldest production plant in Bielsko-Biala which is constantly manufacturing the same products.

Befaszczot – a partnership inspired by history

Often, while walking through the premises of the factory, we appreciate the craftsmanship, knowledge and commitment of the employees who laid the foundations for the present appearance and technological advancement of the factory. To date, we use the technical drawings of brushes which were created back in the 1930s. It is now the 6th generation that is pursuing the goals so deeply rooted in our mentality and written in the sentence by Albert Sennewaldt: „Goods without objection – careful execution – low prices”. The current motto of our business, „Partnership inspired by history”, constantly reminds us of our most valuable capital –experience.

Befaszczot in the local community

This year also marks 45 years since the factory started employing people with disabilities. Some of these workers work in the factory until today. The status of Befaszczot as a supported employment enterprise is part of our mission, in which we help people with disabilities or diseases from our city and its vicinity through their employment and vocational rehabilitation.

The new is coming

September 2021 is the month when we celebrate our 145th anniversary. It is a great opportunity to recall memories, make summaries, and also our plans for the future. The rich history of Befaszczot will be presented in photographs: pictures of our historical buildings, machinery, technical drawings and product catalogues from years ago will appear in the company’s visual communication Employees will have the opportunity to exchange their memories during the symbolic anniversary celebrations.

Find out more about our history here.

Source of photos: own collection, National Archives, beskidia.pl